FAS Research Computing - Notice history

Status page for the Harvard FAS Research Computing cluster and other resources.

Cluster Utilization (VPN and FASRC login required): Cannon | FASSE

Please scroll down to see details on any Incidents or maintenance notices.
Monthly maintenance occurs on the first Monday of the month (except holidays).

https://docs.rc.fas.harvard.edu | https://portal.rc.fas.harvard.edu | Email: rchelp@rc.fas.harvard.edu

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For higher contrast, switch to light mode at the bottom of this page if the background is dark and colors are muted.


SLURM Scheduler - Cannon - Operational

Cannon Compute Cluster (Holyoke) - Operational

Boston Compute Nodes - Operational

GPU nodes (Holyoke) - Operational

seas_compute - Operational


SLURM Scheduler - FASSE - Operational

FASSE Compute Cluster (Holyoke) - Operational


Kempner Cluster CPU - Operational

Kempner Cluster GPU - Operational


Login Nodes - Boston - Operational

Login Nodes - Holyoke - Operational

FASSE login nodes - Operational


Cannon Open OnDemand/VDI - Operational

FASSE Open OnDemand/VDI - Operational


Netscratch (Global Scratch) - Operational

Home Directory Storage - Boston - Operational

Holylabs - Operational

HolyLFS06 (Tier 0) - Operational

HolyLFS04 (Tier 0) - Operational

HolyLFS05 (Tier 0) - Operational

Holystore01 (Tier 0) - Operational

Isilon Storage Holyoke (Tier 1) - Operational

Holyoke Tier 2 NFS (new) - Operational

100% - uptime
Oct 2023 · 100.0%Nov · 100.0%Dec · 100.0%
Oct 2023
Nov 2023
Dec 2023

Holyoke Specialty Storage - Operational

holECS - Operational

BosLFS02 (Tier 0) - Operational

Isilon Storage Boston (Tier 1) - Operational

Boston Specialty Storage - Operational

Boston Tier 2 NFS (new) - Operational

100% - uptime
Oct 2023 · 100.0%Nov · 100.0%Dec · 100.0%
Oct 2023
Nov 2023
Dec 2023

CEPH Storage Boston (Tier 2) - Operational

bosECS - Operational

Tape - (Tier 3) - Operational

Samba Cluster - Operational

Globus Data Transfer - Operational

Notice history

Dec 2023

Ceph instability - Affects Boston VMs (Virtual Machines) and Tier2 Ceph shares
  • Resolved

    The Ceph instability has been resolved. Ceph Tier2 shares, VDI, and VMs should be back to their normal state.

    If your VM, /net/fs-[labname] share, or VDI session is still impacted, please contact rchelp@rc.fas.harvard.edu

  • Identified

    The infrastructure behind Tier2 Ceph shares and VMs is unstable.
    This also affects VDI/OOD which relies on virtual machines.

    /net/fs-[labname] shares, new OOD/VDI sessions, and VMs are affected and may will be inaccessible until this is resolved.

    Thanks for your patience.

Ceph instability - Affects Boston VMs (Virtual Machines) and Tier2 Ceph shares
  • Resolved

    The Ceph instability has been resolved. Ceph Tier2 shares, VDI, and VMs should be back to their normal state.

    If your VM, /net/fs-[labname] share, or VDI session is still impacted, please contact rchelp@rc.fas.harvard.edu

  • Identified

    The infrastructure behind Tier2 Ceph shares and VMs is unstable.
    This also affects VDI/OOD which relies on virtual machines.

    /net/fs-[labname] shares, new OOD/VDI sessions, and VMs are affected and may will be inaccessible until this is resolved.

    Thanks for your patience.

Ceph instability - Affects Boston VMs (Virtual Machines) and Tier2 Ceph shares
  • Resolved

    The Ceph instability has been resolved. Ceph Tier2 shares, VDI, and VMs should be back to their normal state.

    If your VM, /net/fs-[labname] share, or VDI session is still impacted, please contact rchelp@rc.fas.harvard.edu

  • Identified

    The infrastructure behind Tier2 Ceph shares and VMs is unstable.
    This also affects VDI/OOD which relies on virtual machines.

    /net/fs-[labname] shares, new OOD/VDI sessions, and VMs are affected and may will be inaccessible until this is resolved.

    Thanks for your patience.

Nov 2023

Ceph instability - Affects Boston VMs (Virtual Machines) and Tier2 Ceph shares
  • Resolved

    The Ceph instability has been resolved. Ceph Tier2 shares, VDI, and VMs should be back to their normal state.

    If your VM, /net/fs-[labname] share, or VDI session is still impacted, please contact rchelp@rc.fas.harvard.edu

  • Identified

    The infrastructure behind Tier2 Ceph shares and VMs is unstable.
    This also affects VDI/OOD which relies on virtual machines.

    /net/fs-[labname] shares, new OOD/VDI sessions, and VMs are affected and may will be inaccessible until this is resolved.

    Thanks for your patience.

Ceph instability - Affects Boston VMs (Virtual Machines) and Tier2 Ceph shares
  • Resolved

    The Ceph instability has been resolved. Caeph Tier2 shares, VDI, and VMs should be back to their normal state.

    If your VM, /net/fs-[labname] share, or VDI session is still impacted, please contact rchelp@rc.fas.harvard.edu

  • Identified

    The infrastructure behind Tier2 Ceph shares and VMs is unstable.
    This also affects VDI/OOD which relies on virtual machines.

    /net/fs-[labname] shares, new OOD/VDI sessions, and VMs are affected and may will be inaccessible until this is resolved.

    Thanks for your patience.

Partial Cannon outage
  • Resolved

    Cooling and power have been restored to the affected racks. The compute nodes have been resumed in Slurm and are now accepting jobs again.

    This incident has been resolved.

  • Identified

    We have identified the partitions that are impacted due to loss of cooling in holy7c[02-12] compute nodes. Some of these partitions are fully down, others are partially down.

    blackholepriority davies desai hucecascade
    jansoncascade joonholee lukin seascompute

    Please submit to other partitions in order to run jobs.

    The spart command will show you all partitions you have access to, and our Running Jobs page provides a list of publicly available partitions for all cluster users. Please see our docs page for other helpful Slurm commands.

    The Holyoke MGHPCC data center is working to restore cooling, and FASRC staff are onsite to assist. No ETA.

  • Investigating

    Compute nodes in holy7c[02-12] have experienced a power loss and are currently down. GPUs are not impacted at this time.

    The 'shared' partition is significantly impacted. Other public partitions and lab-owned partitions may be down or running at reduced capacity. Jobs are still being accepted/running, but may need to wait longer in the queue due to fewer resources being available.

    We are in contact with the Holyoke MGHPCC data center to investigate further. Updates to come. No ETA at this time.

Ceph instability - Affects Boston VMs (Virtual Machines) and Tier2 Ceph shares
  • Resolved

    The Ceph instability has been resolved. Caeph Tier2 shares, VDI, and VMs should be back to their normal state.

    If your VM, /net/fs-[labname] share, or VDI session is still impacted, please contact rchelp@rc.fas.harvard.edu

  • Identified

    The infrastructure behind Tier2 Ceph shares and VMs is unstable.
    This also affects VDI/OOD which relies on virtual machines.

    /net/fs-[labname] shares, new OOD/VDI sessions, and VMs are affected and may will be inaccessible until this is resolved.

    Thanks for your patience.

Ceph instability - Affects Boston VMs (Virtual Machines) and Tier2 Ceph shares
  • Resolved

    The Ceph instability has been resolved. Caeph Tier2 shares, VDI, and VMs should be back to their normal state.

    If your VM, /net/fs-[labname] share, or VDI session is still impacted, please contact rchelp@rc.fas.harvard.edu

  • Identified

    The infrastructure behind Tier2 Ceph shares and VMs is unstable.
    This also affects VDI/OOD which relies on virtual machines.

    /net/fs-[labname] shares, new OOD/VDI sessions, and VMs are affected and may will be inaccessible until this is resolved.

    Thanks for your patience.

Oct 2023

Major power event at MGHPCC (Holyoke) data center
  • Resolved

    FASSE login and OOD have been returned to service.

  • Monitoring

    Most resources are once again available. The Cannon (including Kempner), FASSE, and Academic cluster are open for jobs. Please note that FASSE login and OpenOnDemand (OOD) nodes are not yet available. ETA Monday morning.

    Thanks for your patience through this unexpected event.

  • Update

    Power-up is progressing with, so far, only minor issues which we are addressing according to their impact on returning the cluster to service.

    Expect some remaining effects on less-essential services into tomorrow.

    Please note that login nodes will remain down until we return the cluster and scheduler to service.

  • Update

    MGHPCC has isolated the cause of the generator failure and will continue to look into the grid failure.

    At this time they will begin re-energizing the facility. Once that is complete and we have confirmed the networking is stable we can begin powering up our resources.

    Please bear with us as this is a long process given the number of systems we maintain and it must be done in stages. Watch this page for updates.

  • Identified

    With an abundance of caution FASRC and other MGHPCC occupants will not attempt to rush to restoration but will wait until the facility has restored primary power and confirmed stable operation before attempting to resume normal operations.

    As such, we expect to begin restoring FASRC services tomorrow (Sunday). Since all Holyoke services and resources are down, this is a lengthy process similar to the startup process after the annual power-down.

    Updates will be posted here. Please consider subscribing to our status page (see 'Get Updates' up top).

  • Investigating

    There has been a major power event at MGHPCC, our Holyoke data center.
    We are awaiting further details

    This likely affects all holyoke resources including the cluster and storage housed in holyoke.

    More details as we learn them.

FASRC monthly maintenance Monday October 2nd, 2023 7am-11am
  • Completed
    October 02, 2023 at 3:00 PM
    October 02, 2023 at 3:00 PM

    Maintenance has completed successfully

  • In progress
    October 02, 2023 at 11:00 AM
    In progress
    October 02, 2023 at 11:00 AM

    Maintenance is now in progress

  • Planned
    October 02, 2023 at 11:00 AM
    October 02, 2023 at 11:00 AM

    FASRC monthly maintenance will take place Monday October 2nd, 2023 from 7am-11am


    New training sessions are available. Topics include New User Training, Getting Started on FASRC with CLI, Getting Started on FASRC with OpenOnDemand, GPU Computing,  Parallel Job Workflows, and Singularity. To see current and uture training sessions, see our calendar at: https://www.rc.fas.harvard.edu/upcoming-training/


    Cannon cluster will be paused during this maintenance?: Yes
    FASSE cluster will be paused during this maintenance?: No

    Cannon UFM updates
    -- Audience: Cluster users
    -- Impact: The cluster will be paused while this update takes place.

    Login node and OOD/VDI reboots
    -- Audience: Anyone logged into a login node or VDI/OOD node
    -- Impact: Login and VDI/OOD nodes will rebooted during this maintenance window  

    Scratch cleanup ( https://docs.rc.fas.harvard.edu/kb/policy-scratch/ )
    -- Audience: Cluster users
    -- Impact: Files older than 90 days will be removed. Please note that retention cleanup can run at any time, not just during the maintenance window.

    FAS Research Computing
    Department and Service Catalog: https://www.rc.fas.harvard.edu/
    Documentation: https://docs.rc.fas.harvard.edu/
    Status Page: https://status.rc.fas.harvard.edu/

Oct 2023 to Dec 2023
