FAS Research Computing - Notice history

Status page for the Harvard FAS Research Computing cluster and other resources.

Cluster Utilization (VPN and FASRC login required): Cannon | FASSE

Please scroll down to see details on any Incidents or maintenance notices.
Monthly maintenance occurs on the first Monday of the month (except holidays).

https://docs.rc.fas.harvard.edu | https://portal.rc.fas.harvard.edu | Email: rchelp@rc.fas.harvard.edu

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SLURM Scheduler - Cannon - Operational

Cannon Compute Cluster (Holyoke) - Operational

Boston Compute Nodes - Operational

GPU nodes (Holyoke) - Operational

seas_compute - Operational


SLURM Scheduler - FASSE - Operational

FASSE Compute Cluster (Holyoke) - Operational


Kempner Cluster CPU - Operational

Kempner Cluster GPU - Operational


Login Nodes - Boston - Operational

Login Nodes - Holyoke - Operational

FASSE login nodes - Operational


Cannon Open OnDemand/VDI - Operational

FASSE Open OnDemand/VDI - Operational


Netscratch (Global Scratch) - Operational

Home Directory Storage - Boston - Operational

Holylabs - Operational

HolyLFS06 (Tier 0) - Operational

HolyLFS04 (Tier 0) - Operational

HolyLFS05 (Tier 0) - Operational

Holystore01 (Tier 0) - Operational

Isilon Storage Holyoke (Tier 1) - Operational

Holyoke Tier 2 NFS (new) - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2022 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%
Apr 2022
May 2022
Jun 2022

Holyoke Specialty Storage - Operational

holECS - Operational

BosLFS02 (Tier 0) - Operational

Isilon Storage Boston (Tier 1) - Operational

Boston Specialty Storage - Operational

Boston Tier 2 NFS (new) - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2022 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%
Apr 2022
May 2022
Jun 2022

CEPH Storage Boston (Tier 2) - Operational

bosECS - Operational

Tape - (Tier 3) - Operational

Samba Cluster - Operational

Globus Data Transfer - Operational

Notice history

Jun 2022

May 2022

Slurm security patch causing node unavailability
  • Resolved

    The scheduler and node states appear to be stable. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Please note that the intermittent deadlock issue is still not resolved, but we are actively monitoring that and intervening as necessary until we receive a solution.

  • Monitoring

    The patch has been deployed and the scheduler restarted. Paused jobs are resuming.

    Any jobs which did not start or were stuck may have been flushed. So please check any pending jobs you might have had.

    Related doc: https://docs.rc.fas.harvard.edu/kb/running-jobs/.

  • Identified

    We have tested the patch on our test cluster before releasing. We are now proceeding to deploy to the cluster. Thanks for your patience.

    UPDATE: jobs suspended, scheduler down for patching, nodes are updating.

  • Investigating

    The Slurm emergency security patch introduced a bug which is causing many of our nodes to be set to 'not responding'. The vendor has already identified the issue and issued another patch.

    We are deploying this patch after testing. Jobs will be paused and the scheduler and cluster will be unavailable while deploying the patch. Watch here for updates.

Apr 2022

A cooling incident at the MGHPCC Datacenter has effected a number of systems
  • Resolved

    All cooling, including the water cooling for water-cooled compute nodes, is back online. All partitions are open for jobs. Some compute nodes in various partitions may still require individual attention, so not every compute node is back online, but we will work to bring them all online in the coming hours.

  • Monitoring

    Most storage in Holyoke is back up.

    The Slurm scheduler is back up and accepting jobs. However, most public partitions are down as the water cooling systems for those compute racks require in-person attention. RC staff are already en route to the datacenter to address this.

    The Academic Cluster is back up.

  • Investigating

    A cooling failure caused temperatures in the MGHPCC datacenter to exceed the safe range of operation for many systems, causing them to power down to prevent permanent damage.

    The cooling issue has been resolved and we are beginning to power systems back on. Expect outage on various systems until the issue is resolved.

  • Monitoring

    A cooling failure caused temperatures in the MGHPCC datacenter to exceed the safe range of operation for many systems, causing them to power down to prevent permanent damage.

    The cooling issue has been resolved and we are beginning to power systems back on. Expect outage on various systems until the issue is resolved.

Apr 2022 to Jun 2022
