FAS Research Computing - Notice history

Status page for the Harvard FAS Research Computing cluster and other resources.

Cluster Utilization (VPN and FASRC login required): Cannon | FASSE

Please scroll down to see details on any Incidents or maintenance notices.
Monthly maintenance occurs on the first Monday of the month (except holidays).

https://docs.rc.fas.harvard.edu | https://portal.rc.fas.harvard.edu | Email: rchelp@rc.fas.harvard.edu

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SLURM Scheduler - Cannon - Operational

Cannon Compute Cluster (Holyoke) - Operational

Boston Compute Nodes - Operational

GPU nodes (Holyoke) - Operational

seas_compute - Operational


SLURM Scheduler - FASSE - Operational

FASSE Compute Cluster (Holyoke) - Operational


Kempner Cluster CPU - Operational

Kempner Cluster GPU - Operational


Login Nodes - Boston - Operational

Login Nodes - Holyoke - Operational

FASSE login nodes - Operational


Cannon Open OnDemand/VDI - Operational

FASSE Open OnDemand/VDI - Operational


Netscratch (Global Scratch) - Operational

Home Directory Storage - Boston - Operational

Holylabs - Operational

HolyLFS06 (Tier 0) - Operational

HolyLFS04 (Tier 0) - Operational

HolyLFS05 (Tier 0) - Operational

Holystore01 (Tier 0) - Operational

Isilon Storage Holyoke (Tier 1) - Operational

Holyoke Tier 2 NFS (new) - Operational

100% - uptime
Jul 2022 · 100.0%Aug · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%
Jul 2022
Aug 2022
Sep 2022

Holyoke Specialty Storage - Operational

holECS - Operational

BosLFS02 (Tier 0) - Operational

Isilon Storage Boston (Tier 1) - Operational

Boston Specialty Storage - Operational

Boston Tier 2 NFS (new) - Operational

100% - uptime
Jul 2022 · 100.0%Aug · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%
Jul 2022
Aug 2022
Sep 2022

CEPH Storage Boston (Tier 2) - Operational

bosECS - Operational

Tape - (Tier 3) - Operational

Samba Cluster - Operational

Globus Data Transfer - Operational

Notice history

Sep 2022

NERC API maintenance Sept 21, 2022 -9am-5pm
  • Completed
    September 21, 2022 at 9:00 PM
    September 21, 2022 at 9:00 PM

    Maintenance has completed successfully

  • In progress
    September 21, 2022 at 1:00 PM
    In progress
    September 21, 2022 at 1:00 PM

    Maintenance is now in progress

  • Planned
    September 21, 2022 at 1:00 PM
    September 21, 2022 at 1:00 PM

    Our service partner New England Research Cloud (NERC) has a planned maintenance event on Wednesday 9/21/22 from 9am to 5pm.

    If you are a NERC user, please see: https://nerc.instatus.com/cl6qt8sbr2993aemv5algl4ih Updates will be shown on their status page.

    You can also subscribe to their status page by following that link and clicking Get Updates and choosing your notification method.

gpu_test queue slow - note on use
  • Resolved

    This issue has become one of supply and availability. As such, we are changing this issue to Maintenance as there is nothing further we can do until the vendor replaces the hardware. Please continue to use other GPU resources. We will notify the community once we have new hardware to replenish the gpu_test queue.

    Please see Running Jobs for other available resources.

  • Update

    Difficulty obtaining replacement mainboards has this issue stalled. More information when we have it.

  • Update

    Correction to first part of previous update:

    Currently only 2 of the nodes in gpu_test are working and the single remoteviz node is down. These will require help from the vendor to revive. We are also investigating with them the root cause for multiple node failures. No ETA

  • Update

    Currently only 2 of the nodes in gpu_test are working and the single remoteviz node is down. These will require help from the vendor to revive. We are also investigating with them the root cause for multiple node failures. No ETA

    As a result of this, we are pre-emptively modifying the QoS for gpu_test now. We had planned to make a change on Thursday after announcing it in tomorrow's maintenance email, but this forces our hand.

    QoS changes for gpu_test effective now: Limited to 1 job per user. That job is limited to a maximum 16 cores and 90GB memory.

    See Running Jobs for a list of available partitions, including the gpu partition.

  • Identified

    Please note that this issue also affects the remoteviz partition.

    Updates as we have them.

  • Investigating

    Several hosts in the gpu_test queue have become unresponsive and will require a physical visit to reset. Staff are en route to the data center.

    On a related note, please do not use gputest as a workaround for the regular gpuqueues.
    This is unfair to other users and ties up the gpu_test partition. This partition is not for general job use.

    We will be addressing this issue later this week by reducing the number of jobs allowed per user. This will be noted in tomorrow's maintenance email and then implemented Thursday.

Aug 2022

NESE tape (Tier 3) upgrades
  • Completed
    August 26, 2022 at 8:43 PM
    August 26, 2022 at 8:43 PM

    Maintenance has completed successfully.

  • In progress
    August 22, 2022 at 10:00 AM
    In progress
    August 22, 2022 at 10:00 AM

    Maintenance is now in progress

  • Planned
    August 22, 2022 at 10:00 AM
    August 22, 2022 at 10:00 AM

    Our tier 3 tape system is part of and run by NESE (the NorthEast Storage Exchange).

    We have been informed that they will be performing a significant upgrade of their Spectrum Scale archive system starting August 15th. This is a multi-day upgrade and will take approximately 3 days (potential for longer). Tier 3 tape allocations will be unavailable during this upgrade.

    NESE has informed us that this maintenance will be deferred to next week (9/22/22).

Jul 2022

NESE tape (Tier 3) hardware maintenance/install
  • Completed
    July 21, 2022 at 10:00 PM
    July 21, 2022 at 10:00 PM

    Maintenance has completed successfully

  • In progress
    July 21, 2022 at 10:00 AM
    In progress
    July 21, 2022 at 10:00 AM

    Maintenance is now in progress

  • Planned
    July 21, 2022 at 10:00 AM
    July 21, 2022 at 10:00 AM

    Our tier 3 tape system is part of and run by NESE (the NorthEast Storage Exchange).

    We have been informed that they will be installing additional tape drives to the system on July 21st and this will require a whole day downtime to accomplish. Tier 3 tape archives will not be available to our users on that date.

holylfs02 performance issues
  • Resolved

    The unrepairable volume on holylfs02 is isolated to two labs and they have been informed of next steps. This issue does not affect other areas on holylfs02, so we are closing this incident.

  • Update

    Recently we noticed an uptick in bad blocks on a RAID6 disk volume that is part of the entire filesystem. Generally speaking, the operating system will vector these out so no data is written there. During this period, we had to replace a number of drives due to failures; they are part of RAID 6 multi-disk set with dual parity and will rebuild with minimal impact on performance.

    What we believe happened is that, during the rebuild process, bad data was copied to the replacement disks and the filesystem got corrupted. One of the staff ran a read-only, non-destructive repair on the volume in question and noted quite a few errors.

    So far, we have 1) contacted the vendor (who gave us a command to clear additional bad blocks)
    2) NOT run the actual repair command to "fix" the filesystem (which would delete data) 3) contacted the vendor to see if they had any partners that might be able to assist. We are planning to meet with one of those partners early next week, but are not confident they will have a solution. At this point (and depending on how that meeting goes), the next step would be to run the repair, note the extent of loss, and attempt to get the volume remounted.

    Updates to follow when we have more information.

    Note that these shelves are covered under warranty support for another year. We see no need at present to replace the 3PB allocation with new hardware (this is planned to take place Q3-4 FY23)

  • Identified

    Users may experience issues connecting to holylfs02, or slow samba performance.

    This is due to a hardware issue with holylfs02, and we have opened a ticket with the vendor. Updates to follow.

    No ETA.

Jul 2022 to Sep 2022
