Holyoke Specialty Storage experiencing degraded performance

Status page for the Harvard FAS Research Computing cluster and other resources.

Cluster Utilization (VPN and FASRC login required): Cannon | FASSE | Academic

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Monthly maintenance occurs on the first Monday of the month (except holidays).

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GPU outage

Started over 1 year ago Lasted 1 day


Cannon Cluster
GPU nodes (Holyoke)
  • Resolved

    The down nodes in the GPU queue have been revived and returned to service.

    Please note that this is the queue 'gpu' and related requeue.

    This is not gpu_test which will remain as-is until new hardware becomes available.

  • Investigating

    Due to a cooling failure in the Holyoke datacenter, only 4 out of 17 GPU nodes are currently up. Our staff will be visiting the datacenter to assess what can be done to bring them up as soon as possible.